Seattle got even Cloudier! DevNetwork has added another conference to its 2019 lineup – Developer Week: Cloud Edition! The event will take place in Seattle from 30 – 31 May and is expected to bring together 800+ cloud engineers, IT managers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to learn about the newest cloud computing innovations in a city that hosts many of the world’s largest cloud providers. According to the organizers, the agenda will cover the following topics: Microservices Architecture, Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud, Containers & Kubernetes, Digital Transformation, Serverless Architecture, Security & Performance, CI/CD, IT & DevOps Management.

New Approach to What’s Next: Ad Age will be “reinventing its approach to Ad Age Next” in 2019. The conference, which used to be an annual gathering, will become a quarterly have day event, paired with Ad Age Titans, a Shark Tank-inspired live pitch event. Attendees will learn about topics and trends effecting the advertising industry and reveal the startups that are disrupting it. Read more or register for the next one here.

Speaking Opportunity: RSA Conference holds its information security events around the globe. Their Asia Pacific & Japan conference will be held on 16 – 18 July in Singapore. This year’s theme is Better. According to the organizers, this means “working hard to find better solutions. Making better connections with peers from around the world. And keeping the digital world safe so everyone can get on with making the real world a better place.” Speaker submissions are due by 20 February following the guidelines offered here.

Lunchtime Learning: Perhaps no other gathering packs as much industry, political, and humanitarian clout as the World Economic Forum held each January in Davos, Switzerland. Current world leaders are joined by CEOs from the world’s most successful companies and luminaries so famous they need no introduction (think Al Gore, Jane Goodall, HRH the Duke of Cambridge) for visionary talks and behind-closed-door deal making. Even journalists covering the forum have to jump through notoriously high hoops just to get a badge. Check out these videos from WEF 2019 but be warned: The program packs so much star power, you might need sunglasses.

Coming Up Next Week: At HIMSS 2019 (11-15 February; Orlando) the Champions of Health Unite – that is, according to the conference theme. The annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Annual Conference & Expo is a major draw in the healthcare IT ecosystem, with over 45,000 professionals, clinicians, and suppliers in attendance. With a focus on the marketing-media value chain and how brands are born, grow, and die in the disrupted economy, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Annual Leadership Meeting gets underway 10 February in Phoenix. At Kidscreen Summit (11-14 February; Miami) it’s all about exploring every angle in kids’ entertainment. More than 2,000 content creators, distributors, programming execs, and more attend every year. And while circumstances in Las Vegas often get dicey, the Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain (DICE) Summit is anything but dubious. Major game publishers, developers, and influencers meet to discuss the state of the industry and support the independent games movement.